Our Care of the Underserved curriculum is dedicated to preparing the resident for the challenges of practice with a specific population and their needs.
This innovative four-year curriculum not only prepares residents for a career in the practice of family medicine, but for a leadership role in health care administration and policy-making.
The hospitalist curriculum is intended to prepare residents for the challenges of practice in a variety of settings. A key factor to excellent resident education is direct patient management.
This curriculum is intended for residents who know early in their training that they want to practice in a rural setting. One block in each of the three years is spent at a rural site.
This curriculum is designed for those with a special interest in sports medicine, particularly those with interest in entering a sports medicine fellowship.
The traditional curriculum, our most popular, is designed to prepare the resident for the challenges of practice in a variety of settings.
Our Geriatrics curriculum is dedicated to preparing the resident to care for the aging adult.