Hometown: Portage, MI
Dr. Emily-Rae Singh joined the faculty as associate director in 2014 after practicing for several years in full-spectrum, solo rural private practice, including operative obstetrics. Prior to this, she worked for two years in Washington at a Federally Qualified Health Center that specialized in caring for underserved immigrant populations. Her main passions in medicine are in prenatal and maternity care and adult inpatient medicine. She also has a passion for teaching obstetrical ultrasound, point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS), vasectomies, and procedural skills.
In 2018, Dr. Singh transitioned from a full-time faculty position to a part-time academic hospitalist role to complete a master’s degree of Education in Health Professions through John’s Hopkins University. She used her training through John’s Hopkins to develop an in-depth POCUS curriculum and simulation lab for the residency program. In 2024, Dr. Singh resumed a full-time faculty role and joined Dr. Balam as co-director of the Obstetrics Fellowship. In this new role, she enjoys mentoring residents on the inpatient service, teaching bedside ultrasound skills, training residents to perform common inpatient procedures, and working collaboratively to expand the OB fellowship. She continues to practice full-spectrum Family Medicine including obstetrics.
In her free time, Dr. Singh enjoys hanging out with her family, growing an urban food forest, biking, playing piano, and hand spinning wool. She is also an avid weaver and happy mother of two little girls.
Why Memorial: Through my career, I have trained and worked in many community and academic settings. Memorial Family Residency program is by far the most incredible placed I have worked. The comradery, support, and fun-loving atmosphere paired with the culture of innovation and clinical excellence makes Memorial Family Medicine Residency program an unparalleled place to work and practice medicine. When you work here, you really are family.
Professional interests: Point of Care Ultrasound, Obstetrical Ultrasound, Inpatient Procedures, Obstetrics, and Graduate Medical Education curriculum development.
Hobbies: Spending time with my girls, urban homesteading, growing a food forest, piano, biking, kayaking, textile crafts, reading, and textile crafts.
Favorite quotes: “In everything you choose to do in your life, find joy.”
Favorite books: Man’s Search for Meaning, Victor Frankl
Favorite podcasts: Unlocking Us with Brené Brown
Advice: Don’t seek perfection, it is unattainable. Instead, endeavor for excellence in all you do.
Favorite thing to do/place to go in South Bend/Mishawaka: Kayaking at Ferrettie/Baugo Creek Park